Truman Faculty Site

Study Abroad in Peru

INT 301: Biodiversity and Conservation of Tropical Rainforests

First Block Summer Session May-June 2020.

Open to all majors, no prerequisites.  Application required.

Course Description

This course will take place during Truman’s first block summer session with on campus work before and after the work in Peru. Students in this course will learn and apply principles of scientific inquiry with emphasis on field methods in ecology while developing an understanding of the ecological dynamics of South American tropical rainforest. Students will begin this course on campus with coursework in first block summer session with course work aimed at providing background and tools to develop their research project.  The class will travel as a group to Peru to spend nine days in research at Sachavacayoc Center and cultural experiences in Puerto Maldonada. Three days will be spent in the Lima area expand knowledge on biodiversity in Peru and culture. The remaining class time will be spent on Truman’s campus completing data analysis and reports of their projects.